Didn’t Make The Grade?

Exam failure

When exam results don’t quite go to plan

If you’ve opened your exam results and didn’t get the grades you wanted – there’s nothing anyone can say to sugar coat the disappointment.

If you find yourself in this position, whatever you do – don’t give up because you still have a wealth of options open to you – here’s what to consider.

What happens if my grades aren’t as expected?

In the first instance, don’t panic and assume that your preferred sixth form or university won’t take you. If you’ve only just missed the grades or points you need, then speak to them – you may well be pleasantly surprised.

Even if your chosen university has rescinded its offer via UCAS Track, it’s always worth investigating whether they’ll offer you a place on an alternative degree course instead.

If your GCSE exam results aren’t what you were expecting at all, then don’t worry. It’s a fact of life that not everyone will excel in formal exams and if you haven’t – it really isn’t the end of the world.

There are lots of options other than A-levels which might suit your learning style better – such as BTECs (Business and Technology Education Council qualifications) which are practical, skills-based courses. Alternatively, apprenticeships are available in a whole host of workplace settings and offer valuable training – they also often result in a job at the end.

If you didn’t get the A-levels you needed for your first or insurance choice university, then the UCAS Clearing service has lots of options that can help you fulfil your university dreams.

Can I appeal?

If you’re genuinely surprised and disappointed with a particular grade, then speak to your teacher or head of sixth form as any queries or requests for re-marking, need to come from the school.  If you sat your exams independently (such as if you’re a mature student) you should speak to the exam board directly.

Your teachers will have had experience of this situation before so ask for their advice – they want you to succeed and will tell you honestly whether it’s worth submitting an appeal.

Can I resit my exams?

Maths and English GCSE resits take place in November and if you haven’t passed them, then you will have to resit  and November is a good time to have another attempt. Click here to find out how we help with resit exam preparation.

If you want to retake any other exam, you’ll need to wait for the following summer.

It’s worth bearing in mind that if you decide to retake a subject, you’ll need to redo all components of it and not just the paper you didn’t do so well on.

Please remember

You have many options open to you. These setbacks are usually temporary.
Many of our most successful people experienced disappointing results it did not stop them it was merely the start of something different and better:

Richard Branson left school at 16.
Ian McEwan didn’t get the grades to take up his Cambridge scholarship
Winston Churchill failed at school, failed entrance exams to Royal Military College
Bill Gates dropped out of university
Steven Spielberg dropped out of Junior High School from the learning disabled class
Ringo Starr dropped out of school at 15

How Community Schools can help you

If you haven’t done as well as you’d hoped, it’s all too easy for your confidence and motivation to take a tumble. But, The Community Schools can help boost both with tailored resit sessions focusing on areas you need a bit more guidance on.

Our tutors are all experienced teachers committed to ensuring all students are given the mentoring needed to reach their full potential, and get the best in future exam results contact us for more information.

Last Updated on December 7, 2021

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