The Community Schools tuition for our Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 students, studying for GCSE. We focus on providing support so that each student can achieve their full potential. This may be by helping a student who is struggling with their basic skills to catch up and thrive. Or perhaps stretching a student to achieve a top grade or go beyond. 

Each student is tutored as an individual within a group of two or three students sharing the time of the tutor. They will receive effective tutoring, which enables both their skills and confidence to improve. The aim is that success in exams will follow.

We recognise that this is a work-heavy stage of education. Our tutors can relieve the pressure for our students in guiding them in their GCSE exam preparation. They can also help with general organisation. 

The term is 10 weekly sessions of 75 minutes.

GCSE Subjects available: Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Humanities, Modern Languages, Psychology and Computer Science.

Enrol today by completing our registration form, or contact Claire for more information.

Enrol today by completing our registration form, or contact Claire for more information.

GCSE tutoring taking place at one of our learning centre


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