Useful Links

If you are a parent of carer, we hope that you will find these links useful for school life during Lockdown and beyond.

We are pleased to have put together a short list of effective resources to provide you with general information on mental health and wellbeing, physical activities & exercise, educational resources and news updates.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Young Minds: What to do if you’re anxious about coronavirus (

BBC: Five ways to keep your children occupied (and learning!) at home – BBC Teach

BBC: Coronavirus: How to help kids cope with life without school – BBC News

Physical Activities and Exercise

PE with Joe Wicks: Free home workouts aimed at children PE With Joe | 2021 – YouTube

NHS Change 4 Life: Indoor Activities for Kids | Kids’ Activities | Change4Life (

Educational Resources

We believe these to be excellent for all ages and subjects

BBC Bitesize: Lockdown lessons for homeschooling – BBC Bitesize

Updates on educational news

Ofqual: GOV.UK (

Department for Education: GOV.UK (

Please note that we take no responsibility for the content found within these third-party websites and have added these links in good faith as to the relevance of the content within them.

We also have developed a page with useful free resources that parents can access. These may be useful to home-schooled children, as well as to parents supporting their children during lockdown.

Students attending our summer school at ASK House


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