Our students

Our fabulous students are aged from 8 years old to aged 20 +. They come from a huge range of different schools and seek tutoring support for a variety of reasons.

They may need our support because they are:

  • underachieving at school, 
  • a borderline student at school, 
  • “high achieving” at school and requiring an accelerated learning programme

Whatever the need, we delight in tutoring each student as an individual. We are able to use our expertise to ensure that every individual gain the understanding, skills and confidence to enable their success in assessments to follow. 

Our exam students benefit from our huge expertise in supporting them to revise and to improve their exam technique. Most Community Schools students exceed their predicted grade by at least one and often two grades.

Students come to the Community Schools to improve their studies and work hard. They also invariably find that they discover a joy in learning and enjoy the positive and supportive atmosphere we create. Students have the opportunity to learn in their own way, at a pace that suits them. They can ask as many questions as they may need to.

We are proud of our students’ improved results. We are also proud of their improved motivation and focus that spills into all areas of their school life. They gradually become happier and more confident people.

Students and their maths tutor


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