Back To School – Get Ready For Learning

a student checking his watch as he runs to school

Get Ready – It will soon be time to head back to school or college

When you’re enjoying the summer, the last thing you’ll want to think about is heading back to school or college. But getting ahead in good time means avoiding any last-minute panic and rushing around – here’s what to think about:

  • Course prep – if you have a new timetable, or syllabus from college or university, it’s time to familiarise yourself with it. Find out what topics you’ll be covering and if necessary, brush up on any areas you feel a little less confident on so that you can start the year prepared. If you’re returning to school then a quick read through of the content you covered previously is another good way of getting back into the swing of things.
  • Create a study planner – if you’re in the second year of your GCSEs or A-levels, then you’ll roughly know what to expect, so take some time out to reflect on what revision or studying techniques worked (or didn’t work) for you before. If you’ve got mock exams coming up, then plan a revision timetable around this so you feel prepared and ready for them.
  • Stock up on stationary – good quality stationary is both essential and motivational. Writing with an ancient, leaking biro is never fun so invest in pens you’ll actually enjoy using. Similarly, a smart pencil case, bright post-its, and decent writing paper can all help make you feel positive and enthusiastic about heading back to the classroom. An academic diary is also a good idea as you can make a note of coursework submission dates so you never miss a deadline.
  • Sort out your wardrobe – the summer is a long time and if your school uniform was on its way out the term before, then it’s probably a good time to think about getting a new one. If you don’t need a uniform, it’s still a good idea to have some specific clothes for sixth form or college so that you can differentiate between ‘home’ and ‘study’. Having comfortable and suitable college clothes can help put you in the right frame of mind.
  • Accessorise – once you’ve sorted out your wardrobe, make sure things like your school bag and shoes are up to the job. Worn out rucksacks or shoes that rub, are unlikely to last the duration or make you feel good, so invest in accessories that’ll live up to the rigours of being at school or college every day.
  • Prioritise your health and wellbeing – feeling motivated and good about yourself comes from inside so it’s vital to invest in your health too. Going back to school or starting a new college or university course evokes mixed emotions – and it can fill you with apprehension, nervous excitement, and stress. So, eat well and try and get some early nights in the run up to the start of term. Exercise is also a great way to de-stress, stay fit, and ensures you don’t only focus on work – whether you’re into running, weights, or Zumba make sure you pencil in some leisure time too.
  • Enjoy learning – studying shouldn’t be a chore and if you’re just about to start college or university, then you’ll be focusing on a subject that you’re genuinely passionate about – so make the most of it. But if you’re struggling to get to grips with parts of your course or a particular subject, then The Community Schools can help. All our tutors are qualified teachers with classroom experience with the ability to approach topics in a way that enables all students to reach their full potential – contact us for more information.

Last Updated on December 7, 2021

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