Support home learning during lockdown with online tutoring

How online tutoring from The Community Schools can support learning at home during the lockdown

2021 has started in a way that none of us would have wanted, and another lockdown brings with it the challenge of parents supporting their child’s learning. Not only does this place demands on access to digital resources, for many parents they are also having to manage this alongside working themselves.

Despite the fact that many schools have worked hard to put remote learning in place, home schooling can be tough for both students and parents. There is a plethora of free online resources which means a wealth of knowledge is at our fingertips, but it’s often difficult to sift through or know what’s valuable. With that in mind, The Community Schools is offering a four-week course tailored to your child’s learning – either as standalone support or alongside school courses; here’s how we can help you.

Emotional support for students and parents

As it stands, we simply don’t know when schools will reopen. That ongoing uncertainty can lead to a rollercoaster of emotions as you juggle work. For children, that uncertainty can be especially hard as they miss friends and regular peer interaction.

Support on a 1-1 basis, or in small online groups, means The Community Schools can offer children an element of educational normality. Sessions aren’t just valuable for helping pupils gain knowledge, they can provide certainty, routine and much needed emotional support. 

Sharing the workload

If you’re a parent that’s also working from home, the burden of responsibility can feel overwhelming. Online tutoring can help relieve that pressure as you can be confident that courses are designed to support and encourage your child to keep learning even through these unprecedented times.

Structure and focus

Our online courses follow a four-week programme which is designed to engage your child either alongside their current schoolwork or as standalone tuition.

Sessions are run on a 1-1 basis or you can opt for shared tutoring where time is divided between two students. Programmes cover key topics and will consolidate learning with homework.

Crucially, all our tutors are classroom experienced teachers who understand first-hand the challenges of keeping students interested and motivated during lockdown. Not only does this mean we are well placed to successfully deliver learning modules, but we can also help students build their confidence.

Our experience also means we can help identify and plug in any knowledge gaps quickly so that children stay on top of their learning.   

Keeping the love of learning alive

One of the biggest drawbacks of missing class-based teaching during lockdown, is the affect it has on children’s love of learning.

We know that children are naturally inquisitive but being away from friends and the routine of formal learning can stifle that. Having support in place can help keep children motivated and interested in learning and so maintaining that all important curiosity.

All our courses are running on a rolling basis so students can join at any time. For more details about what we offer, take a look at our online tutoring support. To enrol or to discuss any specific needs, please contact Claire on 07747 037441 or email

Last Updated on September 20, 2021

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