Succeeding through Covid

claire meadows-smith online tutoring

A message from our Principal, Claire Meadows-Smith on how tutoring through Covid is helping children to progress and succeed.

The Community Schools has been supporting students for more than 10 years. It has always been my very real privilege to work with so many fantastic students and tutors. And never more so than during this most unpredictable of years.

Our Tutors

The tutors at The Community Schools have been nothing short of fantastic. They have been willing to take up the new challenge of online tutoring with very little notice. Our students have been brilliant in their willingness to have a go. They did did this whilst everything as they knew it was changing by the minute. Meanwhile, our truly lovely parents have been supportive. They have been tolerant of our initial mishaps, as we rapidly learnt through experience how to best deliver the once novel and now routine online tutoring.

Tutoring Online

Online tutoring is not for everyone, nor should it be. However, there are many who prefer the online learning environment and much good has resulted from our enforced changes. Many of us have been placed outside of our comfort zone and have learnt new skills and ways in which to improve our tutoring. We are now able to provide high quality Community Schools tutoring to students outside of Suffolk. This has been achieved with the help of our own Suffolk students with tutoring expertise from beyond the borders of Suffolk – who knew they existed! A number of our families have found that the online tutoring services have helped to ease their complex family logistics.

Throughout the Summer Holidays the Community Schools, through using a new system of shared online lessons and 1-1 tutorials, were able to support over 50 students to prepare for school with the “Start Back in September” courses after a long break from the classroom.

Face to Face Tutoring

When the new September term arrived the Community Schools offer of Face to Face or Online gave our parents and students more choice. It was interesting to note that the split between them was about 50-50. We really were delighted to be able to tutor Face to Face again. This has been achieved in the knowledge that the Covid Secure Measures we put in place would keep our students and tutors safe. We were equally thrilled to continue to tutor so many students online.

Covid 19 Lockdown

The more recent Covid lockdown has shown our ability to take tutoring sessions online continues to provide the flexibility needed. If a tutor or a student has to self-isolate our blended approach of Face to Face or Online enables us to make sure that no student misses out on their learning.

As we move through this unpredictable year we have increased provision of our Grade Booster Revision Courses. These are now offered across all school holidays focussing on preparation for Mock exams which might ultimately prove to be the final assessable work for exam grades.

It is our passion and vocation to provide the tutoring support necessary for all of our students. This ensures they are able to enjoy their studies, gain confidence and reach their full potential.

We really do appreciate the trust that parents place in us. If you would like to find out more about how we could help your child, please do email me.

Claire Meadows-Smith                                                                                                            25th Nov 2020

Last Updated on December 18, 2020

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