We’re delighted to share feedback from some students and parents about their results.
Summer Exam Pressure?
It’s that time of year when teenagers around the world are complaining about exam pressure. Here’s how we can help.
Exam Cramming versus Grade Booster Courses
What’s the difference between The Community Schools’ Easter Grade Booster Courses and typical private sector “exam cramming or crammer courses”?
Reflections on Results 2015- (so far !)
Good grades are always satisfying news, but we’re also thrilled by the progress made by each student at The Community Schools.
10 Top Tips to Boost Maths Exam Grades
Many students are frightened of numbers. Here are our top 10 tips to overcome that fear and gain confidence.
Take out the Fear of Maths
The fear of maths is common. The good news is that fear is a learned behaviour you can easily overcome. Here are our top tips.