Are you getting ready for your exams in January? We can help!

Preparing for your exams is hard. Revising over the Christmas holiday is tougher. Taking the time to plan and study now will minimise the stress and worry in the run-up to your exams.

Here are our top tips to help you revise successfully:

Plan your time

• Plan in time out for Christmas fun and festivities
• Plan a realistic revision timetable
• Try to keep to your revision timetable
• Little and often is best

Setting out a revision timetable by subject will ensure you spend equal amounts of time on each topic, making your time spent more efficient. This will ensure you have time to have some Christmas fun too. Not having a timetable means you run the risk of neglecting subjects you either don’t like or find a bit trickier.

As your exams get closer, feeling unprepared can lead to ‘cramming’. Research shows ‘cramming’ is not an effective way to revise. Digesting information little and often consolidates our learning and improves long-term retention.

Find a way that works for you

• Revise in the way that suits you best
• Mix it up

Remember, revision works! But, revision methods that work for your friend might not work for you. You might prefer to use flashcards, written notes, books or online videos and resources. Don’t be afraid to stick to a method that suits you.

Sticking to tried and tested methods is key. Using the same method over and over could become stale and cause you to switch off. For example, if you write notes, test yourself by presenting the key points or arguments in a spider diagram.

Remove Christmas distractions and be prepared

• Ask your family for support
• Find a quiet place to revise
• Switch off social media and notifications
• Be prepared for the revision session

Make it clear to your family members you will be studying by sharing your schedule with them, and explain to them how they can best support you. If you have a busy household and don’t have your own space, ask family members to agree to ‘quiet time’, this will give you a distraction-free setting. Put your phone away and silence social media notifications.

It is a good idea to make sure you have everything you need to hand. Having working pens, sharpened pencils, a ruler, rubber and calculator will save you time and reduce the risk of being distracted. If you don’t have a desk, keep what you need in a box or basket.

Use past papers

• Use past papers to test your knowledge
• Ask your school to provide you with past papers
• Past papers can also be found online

The best way to test your knowledge and highlight areas of weakness is to answer past papers.
When you go through a past paper, stick to the time limit provided. This will highlight if you can finish the exam in the allotted time. If you are struggling to recall certain points, you may need to spend more time revising those areas.

Use the mark schemes

• Use mark schemes to find out how to answer the exam questions
• Mark schemes will help identify what the examiners are looking for

When you answer past papers, check your answers using the mark scheme. This will show you what examiners are looking for in an answer. Looking at past papers together with their mark schemes will also clarify the types of questions being asked. Sometimes, the key to the answer is simply understanding what it is you need to do. This could be discussing an issue or demonstrating your knowledge with examples.

Take regular breaks

• Build in lots of breaks into your revision timetable
• Build in rewards for completing a chunk of revision

Spacing out your revision and giving yourself regular breaks will keep you motivated and give your mind a break. Reward yourself with a mince pie, or time out watching your favourite Christmas movie, when you have achieved the study goal you have set for yourself! When you plan your time, be sure to include time off.

Get the help you need over the Christmas Holidays

• Community Schools Grade Booster revisions are being held on the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th December
• Online Sessions
• Bespoke 1-1 tutoring sessions
• Experienced and successful classroom teachers
• Support with revision and exam technique

Our revision sessions will take place during every school holiday. This gives you the opportunity to brush up on your knowledge at a time that is right for you.

Our Christmas Holiday sessions are available online; please click here to find out further information.

For more information about the tuition we offer, complete our online registration form. Claire will contact you to discuss your needs and get you booked onto a course that is right for you.
Last Updated on 6th December 2022


Last Updated on January 11, 2024

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