Safeguarding Guide for Parents
We believe that all our students have an absolute right to a childhood free from abuse, neglect and
exploitation. All tutors working with the Community Schools have a duty to safeguard and promote
the welfare of the students that we work with. They have all received updated safeguarding training.
We believe that working in partnership with parents, carers and schools is essential in promoting
the student’s welfare.
If a student makes a disclosure to a tutor
The tutor will:
• find an appropriate quiet, but not isolated, place to talk with them
• listen to them carefully and calmly without comment or judgement
• not ask leading questions or try to investigate the issue
• not promise confidentiality
• be understanding and reassuring but will not give their opinion
• show the student that they are taking them seriously
• offer support
• reassure the student that they have done the right thing
• record the facts, including the student’s name and the account given, in their words
• talk to the students’ parents if appropriate
• pass on the information to the Designated safeguarding lead who will follow this up with
appropriate actions and record all details on a Single Central Record.
If a tutor is concerned about a student’s safety and well being
The tutor will:
• inform the students’ parents if appropriate
• tell the Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately and pass on the information
• not investigate it
• if the danger is immediate, they will contact the emergency services
• record the facts, including the student’s name and the account given, in their words
If a parent is concerned about the wellbeing of their child. They should raise the issue with the tutor
( if appropriate ) or with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
We will
• listen to the concerns carefully and calmly without comment or judgement
• attempt to work with them to find a possible solution to the issue
• not ask leading questions
• be understanding and reassuring but will not give our opinion
• offer support but cannot promise confidentiality
• record the facts, including the student’s name and the account given, in their words
• pass on the information to the Designated Safeguarding Lead who will follow this up with
appropriate actions and record all details on a Single Central Record.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Claire Meadows-Smith who can be contacted on or 0774 703 7441