Partnering schools
How we are helping local schools
At the Community Schools we have partnered King Edwards VI School in Bury St Edmunds, County Upper School in Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket High School , Northgate High School in Ipswich, Claydon High School and Thetford Academy.
Most of the students that the schools send to us for support enrol in the same way as our private fee-paying students, but with their course fees being funded by the schools. School funded students are allocated to a small group without differentiation and are tutored as an individual. We provide written feedback about the content/skills covered, attendance, progress and motivation after a term of 10 sessions. We ask the students to complete a feedback form at the end of the term of 10 sessions.
Stowmarket High School also asked us to provide Grade booster Revision Courses during the Easter Holiday.
Thetford Academy have asked for our English Specialist tutor to work within their school during the week to provide intervention support for some of their students.
King Edwards VI School have asked us to provide Summer School Online Courses in maths and English for their year 10 students going into year 11 to help them Get Ready for September.
.Student Selection
As it is for classroom teaching, the success of tutoring is largely dependent on the motivation and attitude of the student. We strongly encourage schools to set up a selection process for funded places whereby students have to try quite hard to be selected for funding support. We have found to the disappointment of all concerned that students who were encouraged to participate often failed to engage and were poor at attending. Meanwhile, students who were asked to compete for support to gain a place were both keen to attend and made strong progress from doing so. Community Schools can assist with the effective allocation of funds to ensure the strongest progress for the most deserving and least advantaged from the available budget...