Mock exams- how to make the most of them!

students taking mock exams

Why revising for mock GCSEs is more important than ever

Mock exams are often seen as less important than the final exams but the recent unprecedented times have highlighted the growing importance of doing well in them. In recent years, predicted grades have been based upon mock results which have meant that for lots of students, mock exams were more important than ever – here’s why they’ll continue to be.

Mock exams aren’t always a dress rehearsal

Summer 2020’s cancelled exams meant thousands of students were awarded GCSE and A-Level grades by their schools and colleges instead of being based on exam performance. Although mocks weren’t the be all and end all for determining those grades, there’s no doubt they played a vital role.

For everyone that had spent time revising and preparing, it was validation of their hard work and shows that mocks are more than just a dress rehearsal.

Mock exams do matter

Despite the breakthrough of a new vaccine, COVID-19 is still likely to rumble on into next year and with all that uncertainty, who knows how exams will be affected in the future.

With that in mind, it’s more important than ever to approach your mock GCSEs with intention rather than seeing them as an inconvenient hurdle before the ‘real thing’.

Mocks have always been a chance to check what you do and don’t know. A lot of the time, revising for mocks is the first time you’ll have sat down and really looked at a subject in its entirety.

Being able to see the bigger picture can quickly highlight areas you’re struggling with, giving you enough time to get the help you need.

A chance to refine your revision technique

Mocks are also a great way to sharpen up how you revise so use the run-up to them as a way to understand what techniques work for you. Whether you prefer to work alone or in a group, in silence, with music, at night or only in the morning, preparing for mocks can give you valuable insight.

Plus, always remember that what suits you, might be different from friends and classmates.

A way to boost your confidence

It’s so easy to think of exams as obstacles designed to catch you out, but they really aren’t.

Regular tests in class, coursework and mocks are all ways for you to highlight your understanding and an opportunity for you to show off your knowledge.

Mocks are also a chance to work under timed conditions so you can learn how to make the most of the time you’re given. This can also help you learn to cope with the stress of exams.

Prepare for mock exams like you mean it

We can’t predict how the future will pan out and whether or not exams will be affected again. That means preparation will be even more important as we head towards mock exams season.

At The Community Schools, we understand how overwhelming the current uncertainties are for both students and parents but we’re here to help.

Our GCSE and A level Grade Booster revision sessions are designed to ensure all our students are given bespoke teaching. As well as tackling individual subjects, classes will also look at revision and exam techniques so that students have the knowledge and skills to fulfil their potential.

Sessions will be taking place throughout every school holiday and details can be found on our Grade Booster Revision Courses page.

To find out more about how we can help, contact Claire on 07747 037441 or email:

Last Updated on October 17, 2022

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