Summer School – Home Tutoring Online Classroom

Home tutoring online has been introduced by the Community Schools in response to the issue of “summer holidays learning loss”. Research shows an average 1% loss for each of the seven weeks of school holidays and a full week back at school to recover the loss from each week of the holidays.
At the Community Schools we offer a choice of either face-to-face or online courses to help students Get Ahead for September .
“Get Ahead for September” courses are designed to help students fill any knowledge gaps and give them a firm foundation for starting their next academic year. The courses will cover the key topics that students need to know going forward and address any areas that cause students difficulty with each student being tutored as an individual.
Before the start of the course there will be an opportunity to register for a free “on-boarding” session with the tutor to determine which topics and skills the student would like to cover.
Get ahead for September – Home Tutoring Online
This five day course is developed for those who prefer their children to be tutored remotely, or who are unable to get to Bury St Edmunds learning centre.
The courses are designed for students in all year groups from year 7 to year 12.
“Get Ahead for September” courses are available on a single subject basis for each of:- Maths, English Language/Literature, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
We will be offering two levels of courses for GCSE – a “Foundation Course” aimed at achieving level 4/5 and “Higher Course” aimed at achieving level 7+.
On each day of the five day course the tutoring programme will be split into two sessions as follows:-
- There will be a 60 mins online shared lesson with the tutor via our digital classroom *
- This will conclude with a set of consolidation questions set by the tutor for the students to work on individually
- This will be followed by another 60 mins lesson with the tutor via our digital classroom*
- Each day every student will also receive a 15 minute personal 1-2-1- tutorial to both celebrate achievement and to help focus on key areas for development.
Over the five days “Get Ahead for September” course students will have access to a total of 11 ¼ hours of tutoring, at least 1 ¼ hours of which are private individual tutoring.
Total Privacy
* Please note that complete anonymity is assured for students during our Home Tutoring Online Sessions. Our digital classroom is designed so that students are unable to see or hear each other, only the tutor. So for students worried about being with other students, and those who are shy or feel worried about speaking aloud, we would like to reassure them that their work and words will be completely private to them.