Exam Cramming versus Grade Booster Courses

What’s the difference between The Community Schools’ Easter Grade Booster Courses and typical private sector “exam cramming or crammer courses”?
If you have your exams coming up this summer, you may be thinking about getting enrolled for some exam revision. You may be familiar with the phrase exam cramming, but at the Community Schools we do things differently. If you are already thinking what are the main difference, one is the fee prices. The Community Schools offers access to affordable and exceptionally good quality tuition at learning centres across Suffolk. The majority of our students attend local state schools.
The Community Schools sessions in English, Maths, Science, Psychology, Modern Foreign Languages and Computer Science at GCSE or AS/A Level are led by subject specialist tutors who are qualified teachers and who have experience gained in successful state schools. We share the best quality teaching and learning methods that have proven so successful in the leading state schools. Our tutors are familiar with the culture of state school education, so we’re well qualified to offer relevant support on any aspect of learning or exam prep.
Another major differentiator is our small class size. Our Grade Booster Courses are delivered in groups of 2 – 5 students. Traditional private sector “exam cramming” or “crammers” typically have 5 – 10 students per class. Running our Grade Booster Courses in small groups helps to keep fees affordable and fosters a supportive team spirit among students. One-to-one private tutoring environments can feel too awkward and intense to many young people.
Our Grade Booster Courses:
- is not about exam cramming
- are tailored to the needs of individual students (in our experience, students thrive when they are free from “one size fits all” lesson plans, worksheets, online tests or the restrictions of set text books. We teach using whatever methods and references work best for you).
- provide excellent individual support in any areas of concern.
- provide effective strategies for avoiding stress.
- help you to organise your own learning and improve your own revision skills.
- give guidance on which are the key topics to focus on for success
For more support, OfQual have produced a guide for students on coping with exam pressure. You can access this documents by clicking here.
If you are interested in registering your child for one of our Easter Revision Grade Booster Sessions, please register online by clicking here.
Last Updated on February 9, 2021