Finding the right A-Level Tutor

The jump from GCSE to A-Level is significant. Students are expected to engage more actively in private study while dealing with the far more complex subject matter. It is demanding for anyone and our tutoring sessions provide personalised support for students of all abilities. Finding the right A-Level tutor is essential in ensuring that your child gets the most out of their tutoring sessions.

The Community Schools offers tuition that runs alongside the A-level course delivered in school and our tutors are all fully qualified teachers with recent classroom experience. Each A-Level tutor at the Community Schools has experience in supporting students to grasp the concepts quickly enabling them to thrive. Our A-Level tuition can also provide an excellent opportunity for extension to those targeting a top grade.

Our inspiring tutors can ease the pressure and guide students in the right direction, whilst developing their skills and learning. They have much expertise in advising students on their revision and exam techniques. 

A-Level Tutoring Options

Face to Face A-Level Tutoring

Each student receives individual tutoring in a group of two or three students who share the tutor’s time. They will receive excellent instruction that will increase both their abilities and confidence, allowing them to succeed in A-Level exams.

The term consists of ten 75-minute weekly sessions.

Maths, English Language, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Spanish, and Computer Science are among the subjects available.

Find an Online A-Level Tutor at the Community Schools

Students may choose to have 60 minutes of 1:1 online tutoring or share the tutor’s time with another student. We use the Bramble Platform for all online sessions. Bramble is a teaching tool that provides a secure learning environment for our students. The sessions are recorded and securely stored; allowing students to review and utilise the recording for further revision. Bramble has proven to be incredibly popular with all students.
Find out more about Bramble.

All our tutors are fully qualified teachers

Every tutor at the Community Schools is a fully qualified teacher with recent or current experience working within schools. This is important to us as an organisation because it ensures that our students are taught by teaching professionals with up to date subject knowledge and a thorough understanding of examination criteria.

Since the Community Schools were founded over 10 years, it has been our policy to work with experienced teachers rather than graduates who may have less experience.

Enrol today by completing our registration form, or contact Claire for more information.

A level tutoring taking place at one of our learning centre


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