Tutoring Service Terms and Conditions


The Community Schools is first and foremost about young people in ourcommunity and helping them to thrive. That said, we have to comply withregulations and we want to be clear with you about how we will treat youand how we would like you to deal with us. We have tried to keep theseterms and conditions to everyday plain English.

  • 1.1 Terms and conditions: These terms and conditions reflect the customand practice of The Community Schools1.1.1 The Registration Form1.1.2 The Confirmation email of an offer of a place1.1.3 The payment of the feesThey form the basis of a legally binding contract between the Parents andthe Community Schools for the provision of educational services. Theseterms and conditions are intended to promote the education and welfareof pupils and the stability, forward-planning, proper resourcing anddevelopment of the Community Schools.
  • 1.2 Variations: These terms and conditions and the fees list are subject tochange from time to time.
  • 1.3 Brochure and website: The Community Schools brochure and websiteare not contractual documents. The Community Schools website containsa number of policies and guides which can be viewed by parents. Printedcopies are available on written request.
  • 1.4 Running Courses: Whilst the Community Schools endeavour to ensurethat all Courses will run, as originally planned, if demand is low theCommunity Schools reserves the right to cancel a course and to reimbursethe fees paid in full.


  • 2.1 School or We or Us: Means ‘Your Community Schools Ltd’ trading as TheCommunity Schools as now or in the future constituted (and anysuccessor). Your Community Schools is constituted as a private limitedcompany.
  • 2.2 Principal: Means the Principal of the Community Schools. The Principalis responsible for the day-to-day running of the tutoring school.
  • 2.3 Parents or You: Means any person who has signed the application formto indicate parental responsibility. The Parents are legally responsible,jointly and severally, for complying with their obligations under theseterms and conditions
  • 2.4 Parental Responsibility: Those who have Parental Responsibility (i.e.legal responsibility for the child) are entitled to receive relevantinformation concerning the child whether or not they are a party to thiscontract unless a court order has been made to the contrary, or there areother reasons which justify withholding information to safeguard the bestinterests and welfare of the child.
  • 2.5 Student: means the child named on the application form. The age ofthe Student will be calculated in accordance with British custom.
  • 2.6 Tutor: means the tutor of the course. The Tutor is responsible fortutoring the students within the group session.
  • 2.7 Course: means the term of 10 weekly tutoring sessions provided by theTutor to a group of Students ( both Online and Face to Face )or a GradeBooster revision course.
  • 2.8 Contract: means these terms and conditions which are accepted byyou on enrolment and by making payment of the fees.


  • 3.1 Registration and Admission: Applicants will be considered as candidatesfor Admission to the Community Schools when the Registration Form hasbeen completed and returned to the Community Schools. Admission willbe subject to the availability of a suitable place on the Course. Admissionoccurs when the Parents accept the offer of a place and pay the coursefees.
  • 3.2 Equality: The Community Schools welcomes staff and children from anyand all different ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds. Human rightsand freedoms are respected. At present, physical facilities at the learningcentres for the disabled are limited but we will do all that is reasonable toensure that the Community Schools’ tutoring is made accessible tochildren who have disabilities and to comply with our legal and moralresponsibilities under equality legislation in order to accommodate theneeds of applicants and students who have disabilities for which, afterreasonable adjustments, We can cater adequately.
  • 3.3 Offer of a place: If a suitable place is available The Community Schoolswill make an offer of a place through a Confirmation email. Payment ofthe fees reserves the place.
    • 3.3.1 Only the Student referred to in the Confirmation email will bepermitted to attend the Course, and the right to attend the Course maynot be transferred or assigned to any other person.


  • 4.1 Payment of Fees: The payment of the Fees for each course are payableat or before the start of the course of Fees.
  • 4.2 Payment of Fees by a third party: An agreement with a third party topay the Fees does not release the Parents from liability.
  • 4.3 Refund or waiver: Save where there is a legal liability under a courtorder or under the provisions of this agreement to make a refund Fees willnot be refunded, waived or reduced if:
    • 4.3.1 the Student is absent through illness; or
    • 4.3.2 the Student is unable to attend a session;or
    • 4.3.3 the session is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. Althoughin this circumstance every effort will be made to rearrange the session,failing which a credit note will be issued.
  • 4.4 Tutor absence: If a tutor fails to provide a session of tutoring then theCommunity Schools will make every reasonable effort to arrange for areplacement tutoring session within that term. If this isn’t possible a creditnote to allow the Student to attend another session will be issued
  • 4.5 Exclusion for non-payment: The Community Schools reserves the rightto exclude the Student if Fees are overdue for payment.
  • 4.6 Debt Recovery Costs: If the Parents fail to pay any sum due to theCommunity Schools on or before the due date for payment, the Parentsshall (on demand) reimburse the Community Schools in respect of anyreasonable costs and expenses (including legal fees) that the CommunitySchools incurs as a result of the Parents’ default and/or any action taken bythe Community Schools to recover the debt from the Parents.
  • 4.7 Fees increases: Fees are reviewed annually and are subject to increasefrom time to time.


  • 5.1 Provision of education: The Community Schools will do all that isreasonable to provide an educational environment and teaching of arange, standard and quality which is suitable for each student. TheCommunity Schools cannot guarantee that the Student will achieve his /her desired examination results or that results will be sufficient to gainentry to other educational establishments.
  • 5.2 Organisation of the curriculum: We reserve the right to organise thecurriculum and its delivery in a way which, in the professional judgementof the Tutor and Principal, is most appropriate to the Students.
  • 5.3 Progress reports: The Tutors shall monitor the Student’s progress andshall report regularly to the Parents by means of email communication, nomore than once every 5 week teaching block. Information supplied to theParents shall be given conscientiously and with all due care and skill butotherwise without liability on the part of the Community Schools.
  • 5.4 Tutoring: Whilst the Community Schools will always endeavour to placethe Student in a class containing students of a similar level and ability,there will be occasions when classes contain students of mixed levels andabilities, however this will be in accordance with the Community Schoolsoverall aim of providing support for individual students within the group.
    • 5.4.1 In accordance with the Community School’s aim to tutor students asindividuals , groups may contain students preparing for exams set by morethan one exam board.
    • 5.4.2 Tutors will endeavour to devote a reasonable amount of time to eachstudent within the group. However, given the nature of tutoring and thefact that different students are likely to have different educational needs,The Community Schools will not be liable, should the Tutor be unable todevote an equal amount of time to each Student.
  • 5.7 Teaching Environment: In a tutoring session there will be severalgroups sharing one teaching room. The Community Schools endeavour toensure that there is a suitable environment for learning for all the groupswithin the teaching room.


  • 6.1 The Community Schools’ commitment: We will do all that is reasonableto safeguard and promote the Student’s welfare. We will respect theStudent’s human rights and freedoms which must, however, be balancedwith the lawful needs and rules of the Community Schools communityand the rights and freedoms of others.For more information please see the Community Schools’ Safeguardingand Child Protection Policy Statement and Guides.
  • 6.2 Complaints: Any question, concern or complaint about the pastoralcare or safety of a student or any educational issue or other matterconnected to the Community Schools must be notified to the Principal assoon is practicable. For more information please see The CommunitySchools Complaints Procedure.
  • 6.3 Ethos: The ethos of the Community Schools is to foster goodrelationships between students and between Tutors and students.Bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination will not betolerated. The Community Schools will act fairly in relation to the Studentand the Parents and We expect the same of the Students and the Parentsin relation to the Community Schools tutors.
  • 6.4 Disclosures: The Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to theCommunity Schools in confidence:
    • 6.4.1 any known medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting theStudent;
    • 6.4.2 any history of a learning difficulty on the part of the Student or anymember of his / her immediate family;
    • 6.4.3 any disability, special educational need or any behavioural, emotionaldifficulty and / or social difficulty on the part of the Student;
  • 6.5 Photographs or images: By giving permission on the Application Formfor the students’ to be photographed or agreeing to these terms andconditions the Parents consent, as far as is required under data protectionlaw, to the Community Schools obtaining and using photographs orimages of the Student for:
    • 6.5.1 use in the Community School’s promotional material such as theprospectus, posters, the website or social media;
    • 6.5.2 press and media purposes;
    • 6.5.3 We would not disclose the name or details of the Student
  • 6.6 Student’s personal property: The Community Schools recommendsthat the Student does not bring valuables to the Learning Centre. TheStudent is solely responsible for the security and safe use of all his / herpersonal possessions and valuables
  • 6.7 Community Schools’ liability: Unless negligent or guilty of some otherwrongdoing causing injury, loss or damage, Your Community Schools Ltddoes not accept responsibility for accidental injury or other loss caused tothe Student or the Parents or for loss or damage to property.


  • 7.1 Medical declaration: The Parent must disclose in the Application Form(in sufficient detail for the Community Schools to be able to reasonablyunderstand the nature and extent of the same) details of any medicalcondition or disability suffered by the Students.
  • 7.2 Medical information: Throughout the Student’s time as a member ofthe Community Schools, the Community Schools shall have the right todisclose confidential information about the Student to the Tutor (and inexceptional circumstances the emergency services)on a needs to knowbasis.
  • 7.3 Emergency medical treatment: The Community Schools staff do nothave specific medical training and the Community Schools does notprovide a medical service or facilities at any of the Learning Centres.
  • 7.4 Students with Disabilities: The Community Schools’ Learning Centresmay not be equipped or have facilities for disabled students. Details of aStudent’s disability must be drawn to the Community Schools attention atthe time of Application and the Community Schools will confirm whetherit is has or can arrange the facilities to accept and/or accommodate theStudent at the relevant Learning Centre.


  • 8.1 Conduct and attendance: We attach importance to courtesy, integrity,good manners, good discipline and respect for the needs of others. TheParents warrant that the Student will take a full part in the activities of theCommunity Schools, will attend each tutoring session, will be punctual,will work hard, will be well-behaved and will refrain from behaviour thatwill cause irritation or offence to other students and Tutors.
  • 8.2 Procedural fairness: Investigation of a complaint that could leadto withdrawal of the Student from a Course shall be carried out in a fairand unbiased manner. All reasonable efforts will be made to notify theParents so that they can attend a meeting with the Principal before anydecision is taken in such a case.
  • 8.3 Fees following Expulsion: If the Student is withdrawn from a course,there will be no refund of course Fees for the current or past Terms.
  • 8.4 Complaints procedure: A complaint about any matter of theCommunity Schools’ policy or administration not involving Withdrawal ofthe Student must be made to the Principal. Every reasonable complaintshall receive fair and proper consideration and a timely response.


  • 9.1 Change: The Community Schools , as any other, is likely to undergo anumber of changes during the period of this agreement. For example,there may be changes in the staff, and in the premises, facilities and theiruse, in the curriculum and the size and composition of classes, and in theCommunity Schools policies.
  • 9.2 Consumer protection: Care has been taken to use plain language andto give clear explanations in these terms and conditions. If any words aloneor in combination infringe the Unfair Terms in Consumer ContractsRegulations 1999 or any other provision of law, they shall be treated asseverable and shall be replaced with words which give as near the originalmeaning as may be fair.
  • 9.3 Representations: The Community Schools’ brochure and websitedescribe the broad principles on which the tutoring school is operated andgive an indication of its history and ethos. Although believed correct at thetime of publication, the brochure and website are not part of anyagreement between the Parents and Your Community Schools Ltd.
  • 9.4 Third party rights: Only the Community Schools and the Parents areparties to this contract. Neither the Student nor any third party is a party tothis contract and shall not have any rights to enforce any term of it.
  • 9.5 Interpretation: These terms and conditions supersede any previously inforce and will be construed as a whole. Headings, unless required to makesense of the immediate context, are for ease of reading only and are nototherwise part of these terms and conditions.
  • 9.6 Jurisdiction: This contract was made at the School and is governedexclusively by the law of England and Wales and the parties submit to theexclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.


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