The Community Schools will be delivering two types of tuition this summer to support students in returning to school in September.
Category: Articles
Booking for A Level Maths Summer Refresher Course
Please complete this online registration form to book a place on the A Level Maths Summer Refresher Course.
A level Maths Summer Refresher Course
Meet the Tutor Claire Meadows-Smith Claire successfully taught in State and Independent schools for 37 years, she was Head of Maths for 15 years in a State High School. She established the Community Schools over 13 years ago and now enjoys tutoring students of all ages and abilities. She is a particularly successful A Level […]
Are you getting ready for your exams in January? We can help!
Preparing for your exams is hard. Revising over the Christmas holiday is tougher. Taking the time to plan and study now will minimise the stress and worry in the run-up to your exams. Here are our top tips to help you revise successfully: Plan your time • Plan in time out for Christmas fun and […]
Tips for revising for your mock exams over the Christmas holidays
There’s much going on over Christmas, it’s easy to get distracted. Planning your time for revision is a challenge, so here’s some helpful tips to get you started.
Safeguarding Guide for Students
We believe that all our students have an absolute right to a childhood free from abuse, neglect andexploitation. All tutors working with the Community Schools have a duty to safeguard and promotethe welfare of the students that we work with.You should feel comfortable and safe in the tutoring environment. All of your tutors have receivedupdated […]
How to pass your GCSE resit, with a little support from your tutor
Most students are only ready to pass their GCSEs in the last six months of an 11-year-long school education. Some students require a little more time and support to excel in their GCSE exams. This is where GCSE resits are useful. For those who were not quite ready and did not pass, it is important […]
4 ways you can help your child with their maths
I am often asked by parents how they can help their child improve their confidence with maths. It can be quite daunting to know how to best support children with mathematics, particularly if you found it a challenging subject at school. If this resonates with you, please don’t worry, The Community Schools is here to […]
How to book an exam as a private candidate
If you decide to resit an exam, you may need to register as a private candidate. Here’s what you’ll need to do, where you can sit the exam, and how much it’s likely to cost.
Should You Resit Your Exams or Not?
To resit or not – that is the question. If you’re not quite sure what to do, here are some points to consider that can help you make an informed decision.
Results 2021 and the way forward
Instead of traditional assessments, your teacher will have provided you with a teacher assessed grade. Here’s what you can do if it’s not quite the result you were hoping for.
How students can catch up on missed school time
Why it’s so important for students to catch up on what they missed and what can be done about it.