Wendy Meadows-Smith

Are you getting ready for your exams in January? We can help!

Are you getting ready for your exams in January? We can help! preparing for exams

Preparing for your exams is hard. Revising over the Christmas holiday is tougher. Taking the time to plan and study now will minimise the stress and worry in the run-up to your exams. Here are our top tips to help you revise successfully: Plan your time • Plan in time out for Christmas fun and […]

4 ways you can help your child with their maths

4 ways you can help your child with their maths man helping a child with maths.jpg

I am often asked by parents how they can help their child improve their confidence with maths. It can be quite daunting to know how to best support children with mathematics, particularly if you found it a challenging subject at school. If this resonates with you, please don’t worry, The Community Schools is here to […]

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